Saturday, October 25, 2008

Video of a Florida Reporter Asking Real Questions

Video of Florida Reporter
This is one of the best interview question sets I have ever seen.

The most interesting part of Biden is how angry his face gets as he offers completely worthless but predictable answers.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Obama on First Amendment

"Amongst our weaponry are such diverse elements as fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency, an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope, and nice red uniforms!"

Obama on speech

Using coercion
Making Al Capone
Look like a piker.
Obama '08

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Obama on debate

Crushing dissent
One plumber at a time.
Obama '08.

Obama on power

Power: not the Means,
But the End Itself.
Obama '08

[h/t Orwell's 1984]

Obama on power

Freedom is Slavery.
Ignorance is Strength.
Weakness is Power.
Obama '08

{h/t George Orwell}

Obama on education

No child left
Obama '08

Obama on crime

Stopping speech
Opening jails.
Obama '08

Obama on terrorism

Get Smart!
Vote KAOS!
Obama '08

Obama on the Founders

From the Halls of Montezuma,
To the shores of Tripoli,
Reversing Jeffersonian Democracy!
Obama '08

Obama on change

Change: what you get to own.
Obama '08

Obama on change

It's all you're allowed to keep.
Obama '08

Obama on persuasion

Obama '08.
Chaos. Fear. Power.

Obama on oil

Seeking donations
By preventing drilling.
Obama '08

Obama on Terrorism

To work with a terrorist
Is to love terrorists.
Obama '08

Obama on education

Seeking no enlightment.
Allowing no dissent.
Obama '08

Obama on debate

Speak no truth.
See no evil.
Hear no gripe.
Obama '08

Obama on patriotism

I come not
To praise the US,
But to Barry it.
Obama '08

Obama on employment

Pink slips are
Easier to share
Then dollar bills.
Obama '08

Obama on taxes and scandal

Tax it when it's up
Tax it when it's down
Hide my dirty laundry
Obama '08

Obama on military

No shoes
No shirt
No money
No military
Obama '08

Obama on truth

Neither truth nor
Job applicants
Need apply.
Obama '08

Obama as messiah

Jesus raised Lazarus.
I raise Chicago voters.
Obamessiah '08

Obama on taxes

Guaranteed to make the rich poor.
Wishing to make the poor rich.
Obama '08

Obama on economy

Creating a crisis.
Blaming the right.

Obama '08

Obama on voting

End sufferage now.
The best and brightest already
Know what to do.
Obama '08
Feed a man a fish . . .
Buy a vote.
Obama '08

Biden on jobs

JOBS: another four letter word.
Obama '08

Obama on liberty

The Road to Serfdom
The journey begins.
Obama '08
A thousand coins
Of Change.
Obama '08

{h/t Mike}

Obama on taxes

Taxing the rich,
To give you change.
Obama '08

Obama on Joe the Plumber

Betcha Joe the Plumber
Can't plumb the depths
Of my Contributors.
Obama '08

Obama on ACORN

Plant an ACORN of scorn,
Reap a cemetery of voters.
Obama '08.

Obama on welfare

From each according to their means,
To each according to their needs.

Spread the wealth.

Obama '08.

Obama on the economy

Charge an employer taxes,
Cost a man's job.
Feed a man for a week,
Buy a vote for a lifetime.
Obama '08.

Obama on security

We cost more lives
In a day,
Then Republicans do
In a war.
Obama '08

Obama on jobs

Higher taxes,
Fewer job.
Obama '08

{hat tip to Joe Biden's "3 letter word" J-O-B-S}

Second sign

Obama '08: Deng Xiaping was a radical right-winger.

First sign

Obama '08: A kinder, gentler Mao.

Idea of site

The idea of this site is to post phrases (5-7 word max) for single signs or a punchy phrases like the old Burma-Shave style for a series of roadside signs.

Obama is pushing communist and socialist philosophies and trying to claim Reagan's mantle at the same time.

If we have a bumper-sticker understanding of politics in this country, we need to teach about Obama with a bumper-sticker attitude.